NFTSwap馬來西亞分公司正式開業 多項合作達成
7月30日星期六下午三點,NFTSwap在馬來西亞吉隆坡W酒店舉行了馬來西亞NFTSwapHOLDING SDN.BHD.開業典禮。 NFTSwap馬來西亞分公司的開業引發了業內的廣泛關注,尤其是在區塊鏈行業仍處在早期發展階段,基礎設施尚未成熟,基於區塊鏈的服務、應用和商業模式仍有許多難題需要攻克的大背景下,NFTSwap將打造NFT+DEFI2.0+WEB3.0聚合生態的決心令行業內部從業者為之震動,引發了廣泛而激烈的討論。此次馬來西亞NFTSwapHOLDING SDN.BHD.的開業也是NFTSwap平台發展宏圖規劃中的重要一步,標誌著平台生態的正式落地。
據悉,NFTSwap在開業典禮上發布了NFTswap1.0測試版將於8月正式上線的消息,NFTSwap是由DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.LTD基於幣安智能鏈搭建的跨鏈聚合NFT交易平台,旨在幫助現實世界通過NFT的⽅式進⼊元宇宙的世界,努⼒打造⼀個擁有完整經濟系統並始終不間斷運⾏的去中⼼化虛擬世界。
與此同時,SUPER MONKEY NFT也將正式上線NFTSwap平台,將於NFTSwap平台向用戶發售。屆時,關注NFTSwap平台的用戶將能夠在平台上欣賞購買SUPER MONKEY NFT。 NFTSwap平台於此次大會上公佈了8月上線具體的活動內容,平台將於8月正式上線NFT盲盒搶購活動,NFTSwap推出的元神NFT具有六大價值保障,同時享受兩大礦源資產配置與兩大分紅,然後是優先搶購權及NFT贈送權等等,持有元神NFT用戶,將收穫平台最大紅利。
NFTSwap也於此次開業典禮上發表了平台未來的發展路線與規劃,表示NFTSwap平台以去中心化為核心,完全智能合約鏈上執行,代碼即法律,將讓市場產生高度共識。在當前元宇宙概念的興起和人們對於個性化意識的日益提升的大背景之下,NFTSwap期望打造東方版的opensea,通過打造NFT+DEFI2.0+WEB3.0聚合生態,平台將支持NFT收集、鑄造、拍賣、交易等功能,擁有盲盒、Lanunchpad、質押挖礦等創新玩法。同時平台支持BSC、ETH、FANTOM、POLYGON等多鏈之間的交互,實現NFT跨鏈互通,滿足更多用戶的需求。 NFTSwap的使命在於讓NFT流通更為便捷,平台支持NFT創作、鑄造、收集、拍賣、交易、轉讓,通過NFT跨鏈互通,滿足更多用戶的需求。 NFTSwap將帶領大家重塑價值新世界。
NFTSwap Malaysia branch officially opened and a number of cooperation reached
On Saturday, July 30th at 3pm, NFTSwap held the opening ceremony of NFTSwap Malaysia SDN.BHD. at W Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The opening of NFTSwap Malaysia branch has aroused widespread attention in the industry, especially in the early development stage of the blockchain industry, the infrastructure is not yet mature, and there are still many problems to be overcome in blockchain-based services, applications and business models. In the context of NFTSwap's determination to build an NFT+DEFI2.0+WEB3.0 aggregation ecosystem, practitioners within the industry were shocked and aroused extensive and intense discussions. The opening of NFTSwapHOLDING SDN.BHD. in Malaysia is also an important step in the development plan of the NFTSwap platform, marking the official landing of the platform ecology.
It is reported that NFTSwap announced at the opening ceremony that the beta version of NFTswap 1.0 will be officially launched in August. NFTSwap is a cross-chain aggregated NFT trading platform built by DIGITAL ASSETS EXCHANGE CO.LTD based on Binance Smart Chain. The world enters the world of the metaverse through NFT, and strives to create a decentralized virtual world with a complete economic system and always running uninterrupted.
At the same time, SUPER MONKEY NFT will also be officially launched on the NFTSwap platform and will be released to users on the NFTSwap platform. At that time, users who follow the NFTSwap platform will be able to enjoy and purchase SUPER MONKEY NFT on the platform. At this conference, the NFTSwap platform announced the specific activities to be launched in August. The platform will officially launch the NFT blind box snap-up event in August. The Yuanshen NFT launched by NFTSwap has six major value guarantees, and enjoys two major mining asset allocation and There are two major dividends, followed by the right to buy first and the right to gift NFT, etc. Yuanshen NFT users will reap the biggest dividends on the platform.
In addition, NFTSwap has also successfully signed a cooperation agreement with the Hollywood International Film Festival. NFTSwap will provide a professional NFT creation platform for the development of the film industry, empowered by technologies such as AI and VR, and the NFTSwap platform will issue a star joint series of NFTs. , to help the promotion and development of the film industry. At the same time, NFTSwap will provide professional, technical and financial support for the film platform to truly help the development of the industry. In the future, NFTSwap will launch NFTs inspired by the image of the audience's favorite Hollywood movie stars, such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Chris Evans, Adrien Brody, Jessica •Alba, Scarlett Johansson, etc.; in addition, there will also be a series of NFTs based on Hollywood movies loved by many fans, such as "The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump", "Titanic" "No.", "Inception", "Batman: The Dark Knight", "The Matrix", etc., to meet the needs of movie fans for the collection of movie peripherals, and make classic movies shine with new brilliance in the web3.0 era. In the future, users of the NFTSwap platform will be able to obtain exclusive NFTs of Hollywood stars and movie series, and at the same time enter the metaverse world to interact with their favorite stars, and even enter their favorite movie scenes to experience the protagonist's story. Imagine a world without limits, step into your favorite movie sets, and share adventures and experiences with Hollywood stars.
The NFTSwap platform can help you change from a spectator of the movie to a personal experiencer, no longer limited by the third perspective, and users will experience unlimited fun on the NFTSwap platform. In the future, NFTSwap will work with the Hollywood Film Festival to help users enter the metaverse world through NFT from the real world, and obtain new and novel experiences.
NFTSwap also announced the future development route and plan of the platform at the opening ceremony, saying that the NFTSwap platform takes decentralization as the core, and is fully executed on the chain of smart contracts. Code is law, which will lead to a high degree of consensus in the market. Under the background of the rise of the current metaverse concept and people's increasing awareness of personalization, NFTSwap expects to create an oriental version of opensea. By creating an NFT+DEFI2.0+WEB3.0 aggregation ecosystem, the platform will support NFT collection, Minting, auction, trading and other functions, with innovative gameplay such as blind box, Lanunchpad, and pledge mining. At the same time, the platform supports the interaction between BSC, ETH, FANTOM, POLYGON and other multi-chains, realizes NFT cross-chain interoperability, and meets the needs of more users. The mission of NFTSwap is to make the circulation of NFT more convenient. The platform supports NFT creation, casting, collection, auction, transaction, and transfer, and through NFT cross-chain interoperability, it can meet the needs of more users. NFTSwap will lead you to reshape the new world of value.
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